Our Commitment
Grace Baptist Church is committed to protecting the privacy of all of its worshipers, both members and guests. In accordance with biblical values, we seek to comply with all privacy laws and to respect individual preferences to the greatest extent possible.
What information does GBC collect?
Grace Baptist Church collects certain personal information in the interest of ministering to the needs of our worshipers. The types of personal information we collect and use include the following:
- Contact information such as name, address, telephone number(s), email addresses
- Birth dates, anniversaries, children's names and ages
- Membership status
- Portraits of members
- Photographs and videos of GBC events
- Prayer requests
- Parental permission forms and medical release forms for minors
- Giving records
Why does GBC collect this information?
GBC uses personal information in a variety of ways:
- Contact information is used by ministry leaders and other members in order to provide information for the benefit of our members and guests.
- Email addresses may be compiled into distribution lists used to speed the dissemination of ministry related information.
- Birth dates and anniversary dates are used as opportunities to "rejoice with those who rejoice."
- Portraits are used in our online directory to help our worshipers associate names and faces.
- Photographs and videos of GBC events are used for the broader edification of the church and to promote the church's ministries.
- Prayer requests are shared for the purpose of corporate and individual prayer.
- Parental permission and release forms are for the protection and benefit of event participants.
- Giving records are kept strictly private and used only to provide personal year-end giving reports for tax purposes.
How does GBC protect my personal information?
The GBC member directory is intended for non-commercial use by GBC members and staff. The printed directory is distributed only to members and regular attenders. The online directory is password protected. The password is distributed only to members and is changed periodically.
Photographs and videos posted online will either not be captioned or will be captioned in a way that obscures personal information. Every reasonable effort will be made to protect the identity of minors by using only first names and by avoiding any references to their personal contact information.
Prayer requests are reviewed and filtered so as to remove any unnecessary personal information.
Parental permission forms and and medical release forms are shared only on a need-to-know basis such as a medical necessity. These documents are retained as long as may be necessary for the events for which they are intended.
Can I restrict the use of my personal information?
GBC operates under the assumption that those who participate in its ministries are favorable towards the responsible use of their personal information by GBC. GBC does provide various "opt-out" choices for those who wish to limit the use of their personal information.
- GBC will honor any member's request to be omitted from the online or printed directory.
- GBC will honor the wishes of any member or guest who requests that we remove a photograph or video containing their image from our website.
- GBC will return or destroy any parental permission form or medical release form upon request from a parent or guardian.
- GBC will, upon request, remove a prayer request containing personal information from its prayer lists(s).
Whom do I contact regarding this policy?
You may submit requests online via the "email us" link on the website. You may contact the pastor or any deacon either in person or by phone. If it should become necessary, you may escalate your appeal to the deacon board.