Missions Committee

Chairman: Mark Overstreet

The mission of Grace Baptist Church in brief is to proclaim Christ to the world. A large part of our worldwide proclamation involves world and national missions efforts. Out of a love for our Lord and a desire to more effectively fulfill our role in the great commission, Pastor Hawkey and the deacons have established a Missions Committee.

Missions Committee Charter

The charter of the Missions Committee is to support and assist the pastor and deacons in all things pertaining to GBC supported missionaries. Specifically:

  1. Ensure open and regular communication with our missionaries
  2. Raise congregational awareness of missionary needs and prayer requests
  3. Assist and advise the deacons with respect to the missions budget
  4. Assist the pastor in screening prospective missionaries and mission agencies
  5. Help with missions conferences and special missions events
  6. Help facilitate any future missions trips
  7. Be a blessing to missionaries on the field
  8. Be a blessing to missionaries home on furlough
  9. Be a blessing to visiting missionaries