Online Giving

Thank you for your interest in giving to the ministry of Grace Baptist Church. We now offer online giving through two platforms.

Zeffy. Giving through Zeffy allows 100% of your donation to go to GBC without any fees. No user account or login is required. While making your donation, the Zeffy platform will by default ask you if you want add an amount to support their platform. This is optional. To give $0 to Zeffy, select "other" and enter "0" for the amount.
Givelify. This platform charges the church fees for each online donation. It requires a login. One advantage is that you do not have to re-enter your personal information each time.

Both platforms allow you to designate portions of your donation to individual funds. Undesignated offerings will go to the General Fund by default to sustain and grow the local ministries of Grace Baptist Church. Donations cannot be designated to an individual or to a member of the church staff.